You must have read so many articles on the net about the myths of website search engine optimization. Now, the fact is that these SEO myths seriously need to die or else it can be a great hindrance to the efforts that most of us do while optimizing a site. Well, for experts it is easy to distinguish between a fact and a myth but for those SEO amateurs, there is a great chance for them to choose the wrong road.
The points below are some SEO myths that need to be wiped out from the whole scene:
The points below are some SEO myths that need to be wiped out from the whole scene:
- SEO a stand alone activity: Whoever has created this myth seriously needs to check their IQ on SEO or Internet marketing. There are many facets of web hosting, design and more that can have a big impact on an organic search result. Some people think that SEO sits on a complete separate chair and others go around it without affecting the work required to improve ranking.
- SEO and SEM are different: The thing is that SEO is a part of SEM and it is a single tactic of the overall marketing plan.
- SEO – a subset of Social Media: You can see a lot of intersections between SMO and SEO but SEO is definitely not a subset of SMO. SEO can boost the social networking growth and SMO can facilitate link building. They are two sides of one coin but are different at the same time.
- SEO comes after site launching: Let’s say you are running a relay race but forgot to take the baton. You have to run back to get it. Though it is not a rule that SEO must be implemented before launching a site but for more effective results, it is always better to implement it while developing a site. Otherwise you have to go back to the design base and start new all over again.
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